Sunday, January 07, 2007

Back To Routine

I think everyone is looking forward to being back to a routine tomorrow. How the kids are going to get up for school for 8:20 in the morning is beyond me. We had good intentions this weekend to wake them up early, but I didn't wake up until after 8 each day. Hannah is excited about meeting her new teacher, the other just retired before Christmas, bad timing I think, but it's all about pensions I guess, and frankly I am happy she will have a new teacher, who is young and energetic and is not jaded by the teaching any longer. Jack isn't very excited, he wants to stay home and play with his new toys.

Today we went to Woodlands Park here in Markham, it was a beautiful sunny morning, so off we went to walk in the woods, the kids had a great time exploring with their walking sticks, or of course how Jack found a stick that perfectly resembled a machine gun I don' t know... Eri and Bennett met up with us there and we just walked around enjoying the outdoors.

Dana took some nice pics, and it was a little disturbing to see so much greenery in January, but I can honestly say I don't miss the snow, nope not one bit.


Blogger Andrew said...

That looks like a great hiking spot. Never been to that one, I don't think. It does seem like there's an awful lot of greenery around. Have you guys seen An Inconvenient Truth? I keep meaning to check it out, but then forget whenever I'm at the video store. By the time I remember, I might need scuba gear to get in the door. Yikes!

- Andrew

6:14 PM  

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