Tuesday, January 02, 2007

More Christmas and Happy New Year!

So after real Christmas, we celebrated another Christmas with my family with more stockings, gift opening and Christmas dinner! The best gift of all was my Dad's official news today that everything's going to be ok!

Christmas dinner was here for a change and I really liked it! The kids could go off and play when they got tired of "grown up talk" and the evening could go on a little longer than it might have otherwise.

Andrew and Ali went home a couple of days later but the good bye wasn't as sad as it might have been...Jason gave me a plane ticket to Halifax for Christmas! Jason will be working there in a couple of weeks for the Canadian Figure Skating Championships and I will spend 3 days there too! Erika has very generously agreed to watch the kiddies and I'm wondering what I will do without them for 3 whole days! It still hasn't been too cold here, but I'm not so sure about Halifax in January...I have a feeling I may need my winter jacket!

Jason & I hadn't made any plans for New Year's Eve until 2 days prior when a couple of Moms were picking their kids up from playing here and everyone was saying they weren't really doing anything this year...hmmmm... An impromptu party turned into 14 adults and 15 kids! It was great! The kids had games, movies and treats downstairs and the adults had games, drinks and treats upstairs. I made the mistake of putting plates of goodies out for the kids then leaving the room not really thinking that a 2 year old would have no sense of etiquette. I went to check on Henry shortly after and he had his cheeks stuffed with cookies and the plate was empty! At midnight we all came together and counted down. Henry was in bed at 9:30 and managed to sleep through the noise, even when one kid accidentally turned his light on and started playing, not even noticing sleeping Henry in the bed! But it was Hannah & Jack's first time staying up until midnight. They managed well but were really ready for bed at the end.

Happy New Year!



Blogger John and Sharon said...

Oh that's the best blog news and the best New Year start, I'm glad everything's clear Rick. Looks like a great party, well, both of them! The picture of Hannah at the end is perfect, party pooped. Hope you have a great time in Halifax, but I wish I was there!

8:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear about your Dad, Dana, and it looks like a great party. Hannah looks lovely at the end, this is the end of early nights for her, I bet!!!

10:16 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Sounds like more fun than we were up for. See you real soon, Dane!

- Andrew

6:46 PM  

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