Monday, December 11, 2006

Monday already?

Yes, it's Monday, it feels as though the weekend zipped by in a flash. We sure packed a lot into the weekend, Friday night I put the lights on the Christmas tree, Hannah attended her friends birthday party. Saturday we had everyone over to help decorate the Christmas tree, which I am sure Dana will post some nice pics. Dana also cranked out cookies, and I sneaked too much cookie batter.

After dinner we went over to our friends house for some Christmas cheer with the kids - and chocolate fondue... I held their little four month old baby boy, and it's really hard to believe my own kids were once that size, and that quiet...I remember once writing about Jack and his volume, which he has no lever to turn it down, well if Jack is loud, Henry sounds as if he is using a blow-horn. He has been a little naughty lately, to his defence he hasn't been feeling well, but I think I am to blame a bit, as he being the youngest, you tend to let things slide a bit, and slide they did. We have to get that one back on track or I will loose my mind. Last night at dinner he was singing Jingle Bells as "you better be naughty and not nice"...

Sunday, I was up at 6:30 to get to my swim meet, it went really well. I had personal bests in all 5 events, and almost broke 30 seconds in the 50 freestyle - which was a goal for the year, but my time was close! I did get DQ'd in the 50 breastroke though, I dove in and used the dolphin kick at first which is cheating... All in all though it was a fun event, and our team had 16 competitors this year, a lot of first timers which is great, and to top it off Dana and the kids came along later in the morning to cheer me on.

After the meet, Dana was off to drop Jack at a birthday party, and Henry to Uncle Mike's, and she was off to Nan's Christmas concert with Hannah and Grampa...then for dinner we all went out for a nice dinner with the family.
I was in bed at 9 and I am still exhausted this morning, I must go now and warm up my coffee which is now cold....bye - J


Blogger Jen said...

Oh thank god it not just my kid- but we only have one and no excuse! Henry sounds great fun to be around. Mae was sining 'hush little baby' last night and sang 'adn if that little dog don't bark, mama will buy you a diamond fart'...what the..?!

10:04 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

You're either going to be in the best shape humanly possible or you're going to have a heart attack!

- Andrew

8:07 PM  

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