Friday, December 08, 2006

December 8th, 1980 John Lennon is murdered in New York City


Blogger St. Louis Family said...

A bit of a downer, Jas.

9:14 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

I can't believe that was 26 years ago. I remember hearing about it on the radio at breakfast and thinking about it all the way to school on the bus, in between wondering what the girl I liked would be wearing at the upcoming Christmas dance. They were playing nothing but John Lennon songs at our local watering hole Friday night. It was sad and stirring. Imagine if The Beatles tried to re-form now, like "The Who" stupidly have. There'd probably be riots. It would basically be a comedy record those two jokers'd put out, without the sad sacks to rein them in. Come to think of it, George Martin was a producer of comedy records before The Beatles came along, so maybe it would work out well. Has anyone heard the new Sean Lennon record? It's pretty good, if a little cloyingly high-pitched.

- Andrew

10:39 AM  

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