Friday, December 01, 2006

Kamikaze Swim

It's wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, after a 800m warmup, we were told that we were going to swim as many 50m freestyles as we could - which we had 60 sec to complete (at first)- we would start at zero, then if you finished in 45 sec, you had a bit of rest, then you would start at the 1 second hand, but you had to be back by the 60 second mark, then start at 2 seconds and again back at the 60 second mark on the clock - each 50m you would have less time to complete as you got more tired and swam slower, and if you didn't get back in time you were called out. I only finished 10, because I stupidly took my time leisurely drifting in at one point - forgetting that my time to complete was getting shorter each 50m. At the end of it there were 3 people who completed over 28 50m swims - wow...


Blogger John and Sharon said...

ok, I swam 30 lengths this morning and I felt kamikazied. You are a better man than I, Jason St Louis.

2:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not bad, but blaming the early retirement on being lazy is a bit lame.
How is the running going?

And, by the way, your early retirement is better than my best sprint effort. Way to go. Gatta get to one of the swim meets and see this incredible man with fins.


9:41 PM  

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