Thursday, November 30, 2006

Report Cards!

The kids brought home their report cards yesterday from school. They both are doing great, Jack is reading well, and we just have to get him to do more "inventive" writing, other than that he is doing fine - I guess he's a little leader in the class, now that he is the big SK boy in the class. We were pleased with Hannah's report also, she needs to concentrate a little more, but really no issues that we have to concern ourselves with.

After work I am heading straight to the school to attend parent/teacher interviews with Dana and the kids. I am looking forward to it, especially meeting Hannah's teacher. Hannah's teacher is I would consider 'old school', she is retiring in a few weeks and is being replaced by a newer model - we are hoping for the best.

Henry, Henry, Henry...he continues to ask the same question about Christmas..."When are we going to Christmas?" It's a funny thought he has, that we are going to get in a car and drive to Christmas - Hannah and Jack usually just answer him by saying that we aren't going anywhere and that Christmas will come to us, to which Henry replies the standard question - "Why?"

Tonight is swimming - and I am preparing for an upcoming swim meet, but tonight we are doing the kamikaze - I have conveniently missed that swim practice for the past two years - I don't know what's really involved but I hear it's difficult and not fun....should be interesting - J


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