Sunday, November 26, 2006

My Weekend

I had a great time shopping in Buffalo with my friend Karen...we left Thursday night and were up at 5:30am Friday (the biggest shopping day of the year in the States) for some great bargains! We got home late Friday evening and went our seperate ways. It felt like I had already had a weekend so it was great to still have 2 days with the family after that. Saturday morning was the Santa Claus parade and Jack and Hannah were both walking in it. Jack with the Beavers and Hannah with Brownies. We snuck them out of the parade half way through so that they were able to watch the rest. Henry was able to enjoy some time with Grampa all to himself! The weather couldn't have been better. Today was a much quieter day, Jason took Hannah skating but I stayed home to knit after a much too late night out with friends last night. It feels early to be going to Santa Claus parades and Christmas shopping, but I think as soon as it snows I'll feel more into it. I'm hoping the weather will stay this nice a little longer though. I think it reached 13 today!


Blogger Andrew said...

It IS early! Not even December yet. Grrrr....

- Andrew

4:05 PM  

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