Monday, November 20, 2006

That boy can skate

We woke up this morning with a little snow on the begins.

This weekend Dana worked her last wedding of the year - yeah! We have her back on the weekends!!! On Sunday we promised the kids we would take them skating - Henry being the most excited as it was his first time on the ice. Off we went to the arena in Unionvile, Hannah hasn't been skating since last year and did great - she really wants to take figure skating. Jack has been skating once a week and he sure has improved, trying desperately to overtake Hannah around the rink. We brought one of those little skating helpers to the rink so Henry could hold it and push it around, well that boy sure took to it, by the end of the hour, he was pulling himself up and pushing around on his own - he loved it. He must of fell two dozen times, but he just pulled himself up and kept going. After that was over we went to Main Street for some hot chocolate - a great Sunday afternoon.
When Dana was putting Henry to bed, she asked what the high was for his day and he replied "falling down skating".

It was a really relaxing weekend, and we were able to get a lot done, Dana got to the gym and I went to swimming last night - 2600m!, I have to get ready for a swim meet on Dec. 10th, it's a Penthatlon - 50m of each stroke then a 100m I.M., it's a fun meet and looking forward to beating last year's times.
Okay...have a good week everyone.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's great to hear every one was skating so well, What about Dana???

Where is the swim meet on Dec. 10th, it's a Penthatlon and Jason in a Speedo!!!!!


8:49 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Way to go, Henry! Keep on fallin'.

What's in a pentathlon, I forget? Is that the one with skeet shooting in it? Water skiing? Jumping jacks?

- Andrew

9:40 PM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...

I'm not really sure why they call it a pentathlon besides the fact it's really just 5 different swims...kind of silly.

9:47 PM  

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