Friday, November 24, 2006

Crazy Hair Day!

Dana is off shopping in Buffalo with her friend Karen, and I took the day off work to take the kids to school and such. Dana informed me that today at school was Crazy Hair Day...whatever that this morning I put a bunch of goop in Jack's hair, and for Hannah I put 5 pony tails in her hair - it looked crazy that's for we were walking to school I thought Dana better not be playing a joke on me, and as I walk up to school all of the other parents will start whispering and shaking their heads saying things like "look at that poor father, his wife must be away." Well, luckily there were other kids at school with crazy hair, green hair, blue hair, etc.
Check that off the list....the boys are just finishing up lunch and I am looking forward to a quiet afternoon, as long as Henry naps.

Tonight I am taking to the kids to Main Street for the Festival of Lights - they light the big Christmas Tree, there are fireworks and of course Santa will be there. Tomorrow Dana will be home and we are all going to the Santa Claus parade - Hannah is in it with Brownies and Jack will be in it for the 1st time with Beavers!

Well the boys are starting to act crazy...must be the crazy hair - J


Blogger Andrew said...

I sure hope somebody took some pictures.

- Andrew

2:35 PM  

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