Friday, January 19, 2007

I'm Home!

It's amazing how wonderfully slowly time goes by when you spend it by yourself. I'm so used to schedules and rushing around and getting kids here and there that I seemed to think that 2 and a half days in Halifax would go by quickly, but not only did I fit a lot in, I also slowed down and got to relax.

I got to have a couple of breakfasts with Jason and late evening drinks when he got off work. Andrew & Alison & I met up for lunches and and dinners and evening drinks. I got to see 2 figure skating events. I got to sleep in. Jason & I went to the casino. I spent a few hours walking around the city photographing whatever I wanted. Ali & I spent time shopping. I fell asleep in the bath doing a sudoku puzzle. What more could a girl ask for?!

Halifax is an amazing city and different from Toronto in all the right ways. The pace is so much slower and everyone is so relaxed and friendly. The city itself is so attractive (but boy was it cold! -40 with the windchill on my first day) It was just such a pleasure to explore. Although I used to live in Nova Scotia, I didn't ever get to know Halifax all that well (I moved to Ontario before I could even drive).

I was also surprised to become a real figure skating fan while visiting Halifax. I haven't ever had the opportunity to watch real figure skating anywhere but on tv and never considered it all that interesting but boy, to watch it live and close up was a whole different experience. To hear the skate blades throughout the performance and see their facial expressions right in front of you was a wonderful experience. The speed just doesn't translate to tv.

I had also never visited the Halifax casino so that was a treat. I don't know that I'm cut out for gambling (I'm too cheap) but it was a fun experience and strange to see so many people out so late at night while everything else in the city is completely shut down.

Jason took me on a tour of the studio truck he works out of and I got to meet some of his co-workers. We would see different skaters and tv hosts around the hotel as well.

But of course, the best part was spending time with my brother and Ali...I got to meet his co-workers and see his workplace and get a real sense of a day in the life of Andrew and Alison. They made me a wonderful home-cooked meal on a cold evening at their beautiful new place. We talked until the wee hours every night and I enjoyed every minute of it. I missed you guys the minute I got on my shuttle to the airport.

So I have to say thank you to Jason for coming up with the idea and getting me the plane ticket and show pass in the first place, but especially to Erika & Mike for giving me the peace of mind to completely and totally relax for 3 days...I was beginning to think I had forgotten how!


Blogger Jen said...

Lucky girl- looks liek you had a great time and the photos are beautiful! Isn't it amazing how much you can fit into a short space of time when you are a parent? I'm glad you got to relax.

4:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your pictures. Can't wait to see more. I'm sure the kids were thrilled to have you back. See you soon.

9:04 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Wow, great post! We loved spending time with you and Jason, and it's always nice to get a new perspective on Halifax through a visitor's eyes. It is a great place to live, although I sometimes wonder why we're here and not somewhere else maybe closer to our families. Come back soon!

p.s. I'll try to post that picture of you and And today sometime!

12:27 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

I was just reading about the phenomenon of time slowing down when you're in an unfamiliar place. It's because we psychologically mark time by the number of remarkable events that happen to us. So when you're tooling along semi-consciously in your normal routine, time seems to pass really fast, since there's so much of it between milestones. That's why your life seems to go by faster and faster the older you get, unless you figure out a way to experience the uniqueness of each moment.

We really loved having you guys here. It was such a treat getting to have you all to ourselves for awhile. Hope your re-entry is enjoyable.

- Andrew

12:34 PM  

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