Sunday, January 14, 2007

Game On!

Today the boys and I played a little road hockey - it was good to get outside and play in the little bit of snow that has fallen so far this winter. After dinner, we played again by the light of the streetlight with Hannah this time too. Henry ended up in the penalty box a few times for trying to wack Jack with his stick, as you can see in the picture, he liked that and asked me to put him in the box again and again.
The weekend was a busy one, but with fitting so much in, it actually felt a lot longer than just two days. Friday night we went to a get together with some friends of Dana's family, where I got to play Nintendo Wii, which was pretty cool - it feels a bit strange to play it - if you have ever seen it before, it's a video game system where you hold a cordless remote control type device and it detects the motion of your movements, playing tennis you actually hold this and serve and swing at the ball as you would in tennis.
Saturday we went to the Wave Pool with the kids, good fun, water was a bit cold, but the waves were great and it tired the kids out nicely, Hannah was especially tired because her skating lesson was in the morning before we went out to the pool. Jack was a bit upset because he wasn't tall enough for the water slide. Hannah, trying to console him said "don't be sad Jack, I won't go on either" as she was waiting her turn in line, Jack through some tears said "no you go Hannah, you go" Hannah is so concerned for everyone's feelings sometimes, and it really bothers her to see someone upset, especially her little brother.
Last night Dana and I went to my Masters swim club's belated Christmas party, it was fun, they had a really goofy Christmas re-gift exchange - where you can pick a gift out of a pile, or steal someone else's gift, we ended up with a big box of microwave popcorn, a picture for the wall and some smelly soaps, my Tim Horton's gift certificates were stolen by someone else at the last moment....Today I didn't do too much, Dana on the other hand spent all afternoon and some of the morning in the kitchen, baking, cooking and more baking - she was planning meals for when she isn't here later in the week to make it easier for Erika. We are looking forward to it, and the kids are really excited to spend more time with Bennett - get ready Bennett, you'll be smothered for a few days...
Looks like a big snowstorm is headed our way tomorrow, and they are predicting an awful drive to work in the morning - Hannah can't wait for more snow and to finally make a snowman...or as she called it when she was two "a homo"...


Blogger Andrew said...

Can't wait to see you homos. We just got some snow here, so it should be gone by the time you get here.

- Andrew

6:01 AM  
Blogger Jen said...

That Henry- what was he like with Heather? I think that would be a match made in heaven, although I will be contacting you in about 10 years to arrange a marriage, I will take either Jack or Henry, they are both good prespects..

11:02 AM  

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