Friday, January 12, 2007

Higgins Beach Seal

I don't remember if I mentioned this before, but I found some pics of the seal that was found on Higgins Beach - it's where we went two summers ago, and where we are planning on going again this's also where generations of Dana's family has vacationed.

I just hope this little guy pays us a visit when we go, the kids would be so thrilled, it's Hannah's favourite at the zoo.
Here is the accompanying text that was on the website;
We happened across this "beached" seal recently and were worried that it was sick or dying. A call to the seal rescue unit at quickly put us at ease. This particular guy, raised in captivity almost from birth, just happened to like to stretch out along the shoreline. He had apparently only been released a day earlier and was perhaps still too at ease with human spectators.


Blogger Andrew said...

That's so weird - I just checked out that Higgin's Beach website too. I was watching the sunrise there this morning. Well, for maybe a minute. That little smiling seal is adorable!


3:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's cool. I remember as kids at Higgin's Beach, if there was a storm coming, we would see seal heads way off in the distance. Never that close. I hope we see one too.

8:48 AM  

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