Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The weekend

So Nancy & Doug, Chase & Zoe came to visit on the weekend and we took the kids to a Monster Truck show. Jack had been to one with Jason before, but it was a first for Henry, Hannah & me. Luckily Doug is an old pro at these sorts of things and brought all the appropriate props, toys and ear plugs. Jason was still away so I wasn't sure how I would make out with the three kiddies.
We had a "Pit Pass" which allowed us access to the floor to view all the trucks and take photos prior to the show. Apparently this is usually limited to people with great seats for the show and people who are willing to pay extra but for some reason, this show advertised free pit-passes to anyone attending. So it was pretty crowded. I had nothing to compare it to, so it seemed pretty cool to me. The kids were all impressed with the whole scene. There were lots of the favourite superhero trucks at this show...Superman, Batman, Ninja Turtle...that made it especially exciting for Henry.
There was a 2 hour wait between the pit part and the show so we went for dinner then entertained the kids in our seats for a bit. Unfortunately, by the time the show started, it was already past Henry's bedtime and some kids were bored already.
Hannah was way more into it than I had anticipated! She was screaming and waving her homemade sign, "Gravedigger is so cool!"
The good thing about leaving the show a little early was that we got the kids to bed at a relatively decent time and Doug & Nancy & I got to have some time to to ourselves in the evening.


Blogger John and Sharon said...

Ha! That looks like a blast!

3:16 AM  

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