Monday, February 12, 2007

Markham Murder

A few blocks away from us two women were murdered, the husband has been arrested and charged with 2 counts of first degree murder. Dana called me to tell me this morning, and the street name and house number sounded familiar, friends of ours live on the same street. It ended up this all happened right next door to the people we know, he coached soccer with me last summer, and Jack and their son are good friends. Dana called to see if everything is okay, and it is, but they were awaiting news, as none of the details of who was killed, what happened or anything was released until later today. They told Dana that they are good friends with these people. The police found two small children in the house, and the husband was gone, later we found out he had fled and called the police and told them to go to the house, not sure if he said what they would find. The children were fine, but now they don't have either parent. Sad, not sure how the story will unfold, very strange thing to happen in Markham, but I guess nowhere is immune to this sort of thing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I told you to get a block report!


9:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, that's a bit creepy!!!! Dana, I read the newspaper article and the name of the guy charged sounds very familiar. Did we go to high school with Christopher Little. Or is it that the 'Little ' name is very big in Markham??? Do you have your yearbook handy? Yikes. I'll e-mail Doug Van Wolde and ask him. Weird. ~Karen

9:37 AM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...

I was going to email you saying the same thing! We were in the same year with a Christopher Little - football player type. The Little name is a big name in Markham, but I wonder how many 35 year old Christopher Littles live in Markham...weird! See you Saturday, right?

11:50 AM  

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