Friday, March 02, 2007

School Play

So Hannah had her school play called "Three of a Kind" on Wednesday night and I must say (although I am a little biased), it was really well rehearsed! I give the teachers a ton of credit, but those kids sure knew their lines and when it was their turn (multiple times each!) and it all went very smoothly and was very cute!
The story was about all the nursery rhymes that have 3 characters and Baby Bear from the three bears going missing. Hannah's costume was slightly recycled...she was a sheep in last year's play and a goat this year so we added horns to the head part. I think it looks more like a goat anyway.
We were very proud of her. Jack and Henry sat patiently through her play (which her class did with the grade ones) and the other grade two class's play which they did with the grade threes.
Hannah absolutely refused to wear a beard even though it may have made her look a little more goat-ish.And yes, Hannah is about a foot taller than everyone else! Mind you, the other goats are in grade one!


Blogger Andrew said...

Looks super cute. And complex! I'm trying to figure out who the Japanese-dressed characters are. Three little maids from school?

- Andrew

8:04 PM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...

They ARE the 3 little maids from did you guess?

9:35 AM  

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