Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Catching up

Man, we don't usually go this long without blogging. Not that there's even that much going on as an excuse. Thought I'd get some pictures up though since there will be new ones tomorrow. We were at Hannah's school play tonight and it was great! I'm too tired to go through the pictures for now though so instead I'm catching up on ones that were taken over the weekend.

The weather has been crazy around here. Snowing hard then mild and melting then beyond cold...this poor snowman was so tall and proud at one point and now he's a rock hard little ball on our front lawn.

On one of the milder days we had the boys out for a walk along Seaton hiking trail which now unfortunately has a highway running through the middle of it. Luckily it's a long enough trail that you can get deep into the woods and forget that you saw a highway earlier in the walk.

And the picture of Otto is just for fun. Hannah wanted a picture of Otto for a craft she was doing and believe it or not, I couldn't find one. I used to take so many pictures of the cats...before the kids came along!

So stay tuned for play photos tomorrow...


Blogger Jen said...

cute fat cat, Dana, he's obviously not neglected. Are you getting ready for the birthday bonanza?

6:19 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Those are great, thanks, Dane. I was starting to wonder what's going on. That snowman is right out of Calvin and Hobbes!

Our blog's been marked as a possible spam blog, and I can't post anything until they've verified that I'm a real person. I'm a little offended. Ever happen to you?

- Andrew

6:28 AM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...

I've never even heard of that, that stinks! And to Jen, birthday bonanza preparations have begun! It looks to be a 3 day affair!

10:31 AM  

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