Friday, February 16, 2007

Back in the Swing

I really believe that a lot of exercise makes you less tired. I am finally back to a regular swimming routine, January was pretty much a right off. Halifax, then I was sick, then just plain lazy...

I am back to a regular routine, swimming 3 nights a week this week, and I feel great, I swam about 7600 metres in total this week and last night I swam 3000 metres of that and it felt easy...maybe it was the set we were doing, but I am finally back to where I was before Christmas...taking time off is just not worth it!

I think the busier I am the better off I'll be, this is something I have never, ever believed in, I spent years on the couch watching tv and I have had enough of that....besides there is nothing on.


Blogger Andrew said...

You said it! I tried to spend a night on the couch last night because I was super-exhausted, and I had to sadly turn the TV off because I couldn't find anything to watch! Then I ate too much and had terrible heartburn all night. Should have gone for a jog instead. Or maybe just straight to bed...

- Andrew

3:54 PM  
Blogger Pen & Rix Place said...

I think you have it right. When I started running and training, I had to find 2 extra hours a week. By finding the 2 extra hours to exercise, I found about 4 extra hours at work because I was working so much better: thinking better and not allowing silly stresses to pressure me.

Keep swimming!


8:05 PM  

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