Monday, March 26, 2007


Man, it's been a long time since I last blogged. No excuse either. We had a fairly low-key March Break with a visit to the zoo, a visit from the cousins and friends over to play. The kids really enjoyed their time with Connor and Kate. We even had a girlie day at the mall, the girls got their nails painted and shopped with Ann & me.
Then last week was back to school and everyone got back to their regular schedules and Brownies and Beavers started back up. By the weekend I think the kids were ready to relax. Gramps came for a visit and we really did just relax...out to dinner and playing at home.
We went to church with Jason's dad Sunday morning and I think it was pretty apparent that we don't go often...Hannah & Jack were very well's not that Henry wasn't well behaved, everything was just so new to him and his voice really isn't quiet. When the choir started their second hymn, Henry called out, "we already heard this one!" Later when the priest was telling everyone that, "Jesus has no hands, but your hands." Henry shouted, "Why doesn't Jesus have hands, Daddy? Where are his hands?" Quite entertaining, really.


Blogger Jen said...

we are still laughing! I wish we could meet Henry!!!!! Come visit!

5:17 PM  
Blogger John and Sharon said...

ha ha!!!I spend a lot of time in church thinking, "I've already heard this one". Maybe one day I'll get the courage to shout it out!

3:11 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Seems like a reasonable enough question to me.

- Andrew

6:01 AM  

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