Monday, February 20, 2006

Weekend Wrap-Up

I really have nothing interesting to report, the weekend was spent with mostly sick kids. Jack and Henry have had bad colds and just were not themselves this weekend. Henry's response to any question this weekend was "nope" you want some juice? "nope", do you want your bubi (his blankey) "nope". Even when he is feeling terrible his mood is still pretty good. Poor Jack, he wasn't feeling great on Saturday, and he fell asleep on his bed in his Superman costume at 4:00pm and did't wake up until after 7:30. He was surprised he missed dinner, he had hard time falling asleep after that. Hopefully he can return to school today.

I was out yesterday and twisted my ankle, I fell off a curb which was missing a huge chunk of concrete, I stepped right into it...and fell over, and onto the hood of someone's was quite graceful actually. An older woman gasped and pointed, which made me feel much better, I went home quickly after that and promptly twisted it two more times. Idiot. The last time being the worst, Dana was on the phone and heard this guttural cry and I shouted a few choice words that I am sure the kids have never heard before... It feels a little better today but it is taking awhile to get around, I just hope I don't turn over on it again.


Blogger Andrew said...

Ah Mon! Poor Jason. Good description...I could really picture it - especially the loud swearing part! Are you okay? My ankles give out sometimes too.


8:24 AM  

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