Saturday, February 04, 2006

"Re - Re?"

Instead of putting the kids to bed at the usual time, we decided to go skating. There is a family skate at the arena on Unionville Main Street on Saturday nights, Crosby Arena I think it's called. Henry didn't skate, I think he's a little young - but he sure wanted to try, he ran for the ice a few times only to be caught just in time. We do have some bob-skates that I could try I guess. Instead Dana and I took turns on the ice with kids. It was a good time, but the kids sure were tired after swimming this morning, and they both played with a friend today too. Jack moaned "I didn't watch t.v. for two days!" he's going through withdrawl. Oh and...."Re-Re" is how Henry says his name, when we said we were going skating, Henry looked up and asked "Re-Re?"...."No Henry, not this time, when you are older" Henry's response? ... "Aww Man"


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