Thursday, January 26, 2006


I know, it's been a while. What do you want to know.

Right now, because I'm trying to blog rather than play with Henry, he's drawing on me with chalk.

It's freezing out today! The kids were let in at school early because it's too cold to play outside.

Henry & I are headed to the library in Thornhill shortly to meet up with Eri & Bennett for a Mom & baby (or whatever you call Henry's age) program with songs & stories. Henry will call out Bennett's name way too loud through the whole thing. He's pretty vocal lately. Yesterday he called out "bum bum" at top volume the whole time we were grocery shopping.

I don't know if any of this was interesting enough to blog about and I don't have supporting pictures, but there. You've been updated.



Blogger Andrew said...

Ha ha! I was laughing through your whole post. I guess it's all in the tone.

I think the Thornhill library is the one where our friend Jeff works now. Say hi to him if you see him. (There's pictures of him on our blog from back in the summer sometime.)

- Andrew

11:44 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Bum bum!

Sorry, I just felt the urge to yell that out!


2:56 PM  

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