Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Prime Minister Stephen Harper...

Those website predictions were pretty darn close. Last night Hannah and Jack went with me to the school so I could vote - and I explained how they count the votes to determine the winner, I think they understood the process. As for the results, well what are you going to do...at least it's a minority government - surrounded by progressive mp's. I don't like the title of my blog. It's interesting that the Conservatives didn't get one MP elected in Toronto, Vancouver or Montreal.
Okay...that's enough complaining.


Blogger Andrew said...

You called it.

I think as long as they don't start imposing curfews or killing off all the Jews, everything'll work out all right. There are more important things to worry about these days than which particular bean counter is minding the books.

- Andrew

8:47 AM  

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