Monday, January 09, 2006

Catching Up

I haven't blogged for a while...although I've been reading Jason's and learning things along the way that he forgets to tell me when I see him in person. It's a great way of keeping in touch for those of you who never get to talk to your spouse!

Hannah & I figured out what we were doing wrong with her Tamagotchi...we were never turning the lights out to let it sleep. The poor electronic critters were dying of sleep-deprivation! I was much more concerned about it than Hannah mind you. When her second one died I was trying so hard to figure out what we were doing wrong (there aren't instructions!) that she said to me, "it's not one of your real kids, Mom." Man, when did she get so old?

I DID really enjoy Different Strokes last night and am almost as excited as Jack to watch another episode tonight. That was one of his first requests when I picked him up after his first day back at school! Thanks Andrew & Ali!

Henry's supposed to be napping right now but I hear him chatting with his Teletubbies in his crib. He seems to be outgrowing his nap - already!!

I had a really restful - too restful, bordering on just plain lazy - holiday and am quite glad to be back to the hustle & bustle of our regular daily lives. - Dana


Blogger Andrew said...

I'm glad you guys are enjoying the DS. I have to admit, we watched one episode before wrapping it up, and it was so surreally awkward and dated, I actually felt a little bad about giving it to Jason. Golden Girls was what we really wanted to get, but it was super expensive. I guess people generally like that show. Who knew?

- Andrew

7:17 PM  

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