Saturday, January 07, 2006

Skate Swim, Skate Swim

The kids finished up their week long skating lessons, and they both are better skaters for it. Now we just have to make sure to get them out a little more often, Hannah is out skating right now at a friends backyard rink.

Dana is at a wedding today the first of many this year, it's a long one today she left when I took the three kids to swimming lessons this morning and she won't be back until late tonight. Swimming - that was another story. It was a bit tricky, first Hannah balked at going in the water which was a complete surprise. She was scared of doing somersaults, I told her she didn't have to but she was still a little nervous about it, finally she jumped in when I told her to try it and if she didn't want to come next week she didn't have to - a gamble, but she is very excited about the lessons and can't wait to go back - whew dodged a bullet.

Jack just jumped right in and I didn't see him for a half hour, Henry and I went in the parent and tot lesson and it was nice because we were in small heated pool. Henry blew some bubbles and looked like a giant compared to the little babies that are in the same class - he was even standing up in the pool which seemed a little strange when everyone was holding onto their children.

Trying to get everyone dried off and clothed afterwards is another story and I hope to never do that by myself again - fortunately next week is cancelled due to a swim meet at the pool, and that was the week I am away.

Today we are just relaxing, I am going to play spaceships with Jack - sounds like fun - while Henry is still asleep. - J


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