Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Cold FX 1 Cold 1

Tie game in the war vs the cold today, the Cold FX drugs I think are working and don't want to know what this cold would of been if I didn't take them.

The kids are starting to go bonkers around here without the routine of school and regular sleep. Hannah and Jack have both been up way too late each night and are going to be bears when Dana wakes them for school next week. This week at least they are in skating lessons each morning so that is something to get up and get ready for each day.

Ann, Lance and the kids stayed over last night and we had a nice visit and the adults played a fun game of Trivial Pursuit which Ann dominated. All the kids played together nicely, the first thing Hannah and Kate did was to make a sign for the bedroom door that says "No Boys Allowed - Only Babies" (with a picture of a boy with a line crossed through it), even though Jack shares that room with Hannah...

I feel completely out of touch with the world, I haven't read the newspaper, watched the news or checked the regular websites I check out each day. Maybe it's a good thing, but I feel really disconnected. I'll have to watch The National tonight.

Hannah's Tamagotchi died this morning (his name was Mark), if you don't know what that is, it's a little computer pet you have and you have to feed it, play with it and just generally take care of it. I guess she fed it too much, it was at one point 99 pounds and only 1 year old, now I don't know if that's normal for a Tamagotchi but it sounds a little heavy. A new egg was hatched later in the morning and I incorrectly gave it the name of Mbrk, I was trying to spell Sally but I pressed the wrong buttons and now Hannah is stuck with the weird name until...


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