Friday, December 23, 2005

The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe

Tonight Dana and I took Hannah and Jack to go see "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe". Eri and Mike came over to babysit Henry - thanks guys. We drove downtown, parked the car and bought the tickets for the movie, then we hopped on the subway and took it down to the Eaton Centre where we got off and went to look at the window displays at The Bay. The displays were all about the movie we were about to see and were done so well. It was fun to be downtown a few days before Christmas. After looking at the windows a few times we went in the Eaton Centre for some dinner and then walked around looking at the Christmas decorations and dodging the last minute shoppers. We jumped back on the subway, the kids were thrilled about the subway part, and got back to our stop just in time to see the movie.
The movie was really well done, I have never read any of the books until Hannah and Jack received it for Christmas one year from Dana's Aunt. They both loved the story so much and the movie really did the book justice. Sometimes I think I would like any movie because it's just so nice to be out to a movie, but this one was really good. The kids both fell asleep on the drive home and are glad to be back in their beds sound asleep, dreaming no doubt about the White Witch and Narnia.


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