Friday, December 09, 2005

Unbreak my blog

Well the blog looks fine to me, not sure - I think Dana was having some problems at home with it. I woke up this morning to 10cm of snow and a very long drive into work, it didn't help that I woke up when I was supposed to start work....I came home early yesterday and slept all afternoon - I felt like I got hit by a truck - just wiped out, my eyes were all swollen and my joints ached, but this morning I feel great, except for a headache. I think I was dehydrated or something.

It's Friday! Yeah! I have to get a Christmas tree today...we are going to decorate it on Sunday afternoon. Dana is going out tonight with the mom's from school for dinner and tomorrow night Dana and I are out with friends and Sunday I have a swim meet. What a crazy weekend and it hasn't even started yet.

I watch Survivor and what's the deal with Lydia? She's just coasting along and while we are talking about her - what the heck is a fishmonger anyway?

The kids have begun their Christmas countdown. We still haven't bought/found what they asked for from Santa. We better get on that, Mary gave me a lead on where to get Yugio cards and I still have to find this talking pony that Hannah asked for.

Looking back I sure rambled on here... oh well - Have a good Friday!


Blogger St. Louis Family said...

Be careful what you write Jason, sometimes kids read this! Dana

10:30 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

They do? Holy cripes! I didn't know that.

You're on your own with the Survivor puzzles, Jason. I can't get into that one.

Hope you manage to relax a bit on the weekend.

- Andrew

1:50 PM  

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