Monday, December 05, 2005

Safe at home

So to continue, the last time I drove down to London I was in a scary accident on the 407 going to work at a figure skating event in London on a winter morning....exactly the same as this event I just went to...left the same time in the morning, went to the same city, drove the same route and went to work on another figure skating event in the winter - very weird. I drove down the 407 very carefully and white-knuckled it most of the way and made it to London safe and sound. It was a busy event and glad to be home, I didn't get in until after 2 am and I am back to work at 7 this morning so I am not on that much rest. I'm not that tired yet....but Jack has skating tonight and it's a family skate and I can't really imagine skating around with 50 kids.

As for the previous post about schedules.... I admit it I schedule everything. I schedule everything in my brain, how long it will take to do the smallest of tasks for no reason...a bit of a control freak about it I guess, but it's just how I work. I have been thinking that I should loosen up a bit and relax, but now that it would be missed - forget it.
The weird thing is I was never like this, I was the complete opposite. Disorganized, no schedule to think of, then came kids and I have turned to this crazy schedule system. I think it's the only way I can get anything done and not miss anything important. Dana's a good sport about it most of the time, except when we go on a road trip and I have to leave at a specific time that I made up for no reason and we don't - the day is ruined... that will be my New Years resolution - to relax on leaving on time....Serenity now, serenity now.


Blogger Andrew said...

I'm the same way when it comes to time. That's always the thing that'll get me in a frazzle. Maybe it's a guy thing.

- Andrew

8:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jason, say it isn't so! The 30 minute speed visit (...starting now) can't come to an end! I can't wait until you come down again, I want to watch you twitch and start to sweat when I ask you to stick around for an extra second or two!


5:39 PM  

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