Friday, December 02, 2005

Christmas Specials

The kids are cozy upstairs watching 'Santa Claus is Comin' to Town', it's an old favourite of mine, one that Dana never saw before.

I am off to do a figure skating event for TSN tomorrow and won't be home until Monday. It's in London, On, and I will try to call you Aunt Mary, but I don't know if I have that much free time. Last time I drove to London, well let's talk about that when I get back...

It was a P.A. Day today for the kids, Jack went to a friend's house and Hannah went next door to John & Dorothy's house to do Christmas crafts with her. She has the kids over one at a time to make a special craft and a Christmas card for Mom and Dad... very cute and Hannah had a great time today. Jack was there last week and really liked the special attention. Here is Hannah's craft she made and the card... - J


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