Tuesday, November 15, 2005


I love the internet, although it is a little scary sometimes. Not scary really just addictive and compelling. Have you ever goggled yourself? I googled the highschool I went to and found this picture...

...not of me, but that's my sister Ann (don't kill me Ann) bottom row 3rd from left. The title of the picture is something like "Ancient picture from past" or something, found on a basketball website somewhere... I remember everyone on that team, I used to go to every game. What ever happened to Kathy? And what's with Joan's look? (bot. right)

Then I googled my grade school I went to....H.J. Lassaline. And I found this!!!!

This is the principal who gave me the Strap! Mr. Plante. Yes I got the strap in grade 3 for throwing snowballs, it only hit Charles Koury's foot, but his hit my eye, and we both got the strap. It was very unfair! I cried in class for an hour afterwards.
My mom volunteered in the school but she didn't find out until I confessed over Thanksgiving dinner when I was around 22

Anyway have fun google-ing...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's awful that they gave you the strap in Grade 3! Can you imagine if Hannah came home and said she'd gotten the strap- you'd be at the school ringing someone's neck. Hope it didn't scar you for life.

7:54 PM  
Blogger EJ said...

You've got me googling everyone I ever knew. Dana, did you know there is a Sisca Bekkers in Antigonish who runs a bed and breakfast? It's not THE Sisca Bekkers though. I guess she would have a different last name now.

9:28 AM  
Blogger EJ said...

And there is a Shelly Malcolm who is a pet physiotherapist in Halifax. I just sent her an email to see if she is the one that I knew.

9:45 AM  

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