Saturday, November 12, 2005

"That's the BEAT!"

Dana made it to the gym this morning, it was open and she is now limping along after a good workout session. I am glad she joined this gym, I think it is exactly what she needed.

Last night we had Eri, Mike and Dana's Dad over for a game of cards, it was a good time and we haven't played cards in a long long time. Dana started my day off right, she came home bearing gifts.... a large, double cream only Tim Horton's coffee this morning, after that we were able to get tons of stuff done, leaves raked, outdoor stuff put away for the winter, Christmas lights up on the house, the kids played outside with their friends. Dana did a ton of laundry while Henry slept and I took Hannah and Jack to the arena for public skating, Hannah hasn't been since last year and she picked it up quick again. After we got home, the kids went back outside to play and were very tired by dinner, Jack could barely eat his dinner.

Now it's getting on and we are painting our bedroom, I was able to do 2 1/2 walls and I am tired, I am going to watch the rest of this movie Dana and I started, it's pretty silly, but funny - Old School.

Oh yeah - "that's the beat" This is Jack's new saying when something is great or exciting, I might say " Jack we are going to the park today!" and he will say "Yeahhh - That's the Beat!!" I have no idea what he means, where it came from, or why he says it. I like it though... - J


Blogger EJ said...

"That's the beat" - I like it. I might have to start using that myself. Glad you had a good workout Dana. Hope you're still able to stand up today.

12:03 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Christmas lights?!!

"That's the beat" is an awesome expression and I'm going to spread it around so much I predict you'll see it in a hiphop video before January.

- Andrew

8:21 PM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...

I know, but no lights will come on until mid-december - I didn't want to climb on the roof when I would be slip-sliddin'

10:21 PM  

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