Friday, November 04, 2005

Poisonous Caterpillars !!!!

At 3:43 am, we were all fast asleep. I didn't even fall asleep until 1am last night because I was at swimming so I was just in that first stage of sleep when I hear crying and whimpering next to our bed, it was Hannah she had a bad dream. I got out of bed and took her back to her room, and tried to put her in her bed, she wouldn't have anything to do with that though. Through tears she told me about her dream that there were two stripped poisonous caterpillars in her bed. I told her it sounded like an awful dream, showed her that her bed was empty of poisonous caterpillars, she wouldn't go near it. I explained that there were no such thing as poisonous caterpillars, she said "but in J.K. I had read a book about insects and there was a page about poisonous caterpillars in it" I was surprised but really didn't believe it and I just took her back to our bed and she fell fast asleep.

This morning I did a search on the internet and what do you is an excerpt from

Poisonous caterpillars force schools to close
15 June 2005
BRAUNSCHWEIG - Tabloid newspapers across Germany on Wednesday warned of "a plague of poisonous caterpillars" that has prompted schools and kindergarten to close.

She is already smarter than me, I thought that happens when they are teenagers.... - J


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