Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Lipstick. Who knew?

Tonight was the Halloween party at Sparks (like brownies but for 5/6 year olds). It is at Hannah's school and all the girls were going dressed up in their Halloween costume. Dana was at work so I was in charge of getting Hannah dressed in her witch costume along with doing her green face. The green face part turned out perfect, actually it was quite scary, poor Henry was running away crying most of the time because he was so scared, Jack thought it was "way cool".
Hannah was thrilled with it, but I remembered Dana mentioning something about black lipstick, which I found. I put it on her lips, it looked pretty neat. Then I remember (I think...) that she said to put some black stuff around her eyes, so I used lipstick, now you might be surprised to hear that I have never really used lipstick before, so I don't know how this all works, but I put it on her eyelids and under her eyes, and who knew it is hard to get off. After a very long bath, lots of soap, a lot of rubbing, her eyes still look a little black, and red now because of the rubbing... Maybe lipstick around the eyes wasn't such a great idea after all. Dana will have to figure this all out in the morning.


Blogger Andrew said...

I pretty much always looked like I'd been beaten up when I went to school the day after Hallowe'en. Grease paint is similarly hard to get off, especially around the eyes. Good luck with Children's Aid and Dana.

- Andrew

6:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dad and I cracked up reading this story. Have a great party. We'll see pictures when we get back. Happy Hallowe'en. Also Happy Birthday Jason.


12:29 PM  

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