Sunday, October 30, 2005

Is Hallowe'en over yet?

We've been carving pumpkins and decorating and getting ready for our Halloween Party for so long that it seems the big day must have passed already! Poor kids...I'll have to muster just a bit more spirit for tomorrow night. The turn out for the party was INCREDIBLE, costumes were all so impressive, new faces and old all mingling together...I (for one) had a GREAT time! Hope I haven't overdone it with the photos again! - d


Blogger Andrew said...

No! Not too many pictures. More! More! How about a web gallery so we can see people closer up? For instance, I can't tell what you or Eri are.

- Andrew

7:09 AM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...

There is a web gallery being set up, should be ready tonight, we will email you.

7:27 AM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...

I wasn't even a real thing...I was just a Halloween Hostess...purple with black over my face and a head on a platter...not really a very good costume this year. I cracked under pressure. I felt that for the 10th Annual I had to be better than I ever had been and procrastinated and came up with nothing! Eri was a bee. Dana

11:20 AM  

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