Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Candy Rush

It was great taking the kids out trick or treating. When I took Henry home after going to a few houses, I put Henry inside with his bag full of candy (which I wasn't allowed to touch!), Dana came outside to see the kids off again, and she went inside to discover Henry eating his candy out of his bag, wrapper and all. We aren't sure how many pieces he ate, hopefully nothing with foil! Also when I was out with Hannah and Jack, they were waiting at this one house after knocking at the door with a few other kids. This woman walked very slowly to the screen door (which was opened) and it took a long time for this elderly woman to open the door, so Hannah blurted out "oh this woman is very very old", I'm sure she heard Hannah. Dana and I had a good laugh about that one last night.


Blogger Andrew said...

Wow! Those costumes look great! I like the green face make-up a lot. I think I need to go get some candy today...we didn't buy any this year for kids because we never get any here. :(
Oh well, maybe next year we can come there for your party!


8:29 AM  

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