Sunday, November 13, 2005

Santa in November

What a great day, the rain held off and it was so mild out today. I didn't spend too much time outside though, I finished painting the bedroom and I must say that it looks darn good...'that's the beat!' Jack and Hannah were both at a friends house this afternoon so Dana and I were able to get a lot done with Henry napping.

Tonight was the CTV children's Christmas Party at Woodbine Centre, they have it early so that they can rent the facilities before extended Christmas shopping hours. If you haven't been to Woodbine it's a great place, Ferris wheel, train rides, bumper cars, on and on. CTV rents the entire facility, provide dinner, visit with Santa and gifts, it's a great time and the kids really look forward to it. They had a blast this year, Hannah really liked the crazy ride she went on with Dana and Jack.

Henry loved the Merry-go-round, the "neigh's" as he calls it, and Jack enjoyed the playground, with ball-guns, a 40ft tube slide and lots of climbing walls.
The downside, if there is one, is that the kids just got to bed and they are going to be hard to wake up tomorrow for school.


Blogger Andrew said...

You guys really look like you're having fun! And that Santa picture is funny! No one's looking at the camera except maybe Henry and there's a disembodied hand in there too. Aaaah!

7:54 AM  

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