Sunday, November 27, 2005

Snow Day

The snow has arrived here in Markham. Although it will be short lived, as it's supposed to be 12 degrees tomorrow!! Rain though, but I will take the warm weather. The kids had a great time in the snow. Jack is really enjoying it this year compared to last. Henry isn't sure about it and keeps pointing to it outside saying "uh oh" as if there is something wrong with the ground now that it's covered in this funny white stuff. - j

I know what to give the kids for Christmas this year, another cardboard box. I let the kids use this box outside and they had a blast, it was a sled, then a spaceship, a princess bedroom then it blew up into little cardboard pieces...


Blogger Andrew said...

I love these pictures! Especially the little mitten coming out of the box photo. Too cute!


8:34 AM  

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