Saturday, December 03, 2005

Schedules...take 'em or leave 'em...

Although I will miss Jason terribly this weekend while he's in London, a little part of me was looking forward to altering the strict schedule we live by. We got up later this morning, ate breakfast later, oops, got to Nicola & Peter's for lunch later than we meant to, had dinner later. But the kids should be off to bed by now & something tells me they're not quite ready. And the interruption in their routine has definitely affected them. They're a bit wilder and when Jack accidentally flushed his car down the toilet, he & Hannah were absolutely inconsolable! I hate to admit it, but Jason just might have been onto something with his army schedule. - d


Blogger Andrew said...

"might have been" sounds like there's no going back now. Are you resigned to the dirty hippy lifestyle from now on?

How did Jack accidentally flush a car down the toilet anyway? Is Jason the keystone keeping the household from slipping into complete chaos?

- Andrew

2:38 PM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...

I just meant "might have been" because he's not home yet. YES, he absolutely keeps this house on track. Is there sarcasm in your comment?
Don't ask me how Jack's car got flushed, I tried to act like it was no big deal but it was actually my car I had when I was little. Metal and pink body with a blue bonnet & bow - remember it And? Weird little car, probably from a Christmas cracker or something, but I'd managed to hold onto it all these years and now Nemo's driving it (as I told Hannah & Jack). Dana

7:42 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Sorry if that sounded kind of mean. I was totally joking.

I do remember that "car". I have no idea where it came from. That's the kind of mysterious pop cultural detritus that goes for big bucks on eBay to nerdy GenXers.

- Andrew

3:57 PM  

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