Monday, December 19, 2005

A Good Reader

Dana had a talk with Jack's teacher and I think she will keep a closer eye on him (when using scissors). He has been testing us at home too quite a bit so we'll just have to ride this
one out and see what happens and just keep on him about his behavior.

I have to say though that Jack's reading has come so easily to him so far, he is sounding words out and knows a lot of the sounds letters and letter combinations make. When he started JK in September we were both worried because he didn't know all his letters in the alphabet yet. I thought Hannah learned this quickly but Jack has really picked up on this fast, hopefully it will continue. Both Hannah and Jack love books, even Henry sits in his rocking chair by himself and looks at books for 10 minutes or so a day, it's great and a lot of it comes from Dana, she has pushed books, books and more books - and it has paid off. - J


Blogger Andrew said...

That's great! Always good to see a family of literati.

- Andrew

4:07 PM  
Blogger EJ said...

It's so nice to catch up on all of your blogging. I feel like I've lost all touch with the world. The past week or so has just been packing, moving, unpacking, Christmas shopping and wrapping. It was good to see you guys last night - a whirlwind of fun!

5:18 PM  

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