Monday, December 12, 2005

Whaaa Happen?

We did have a great time decorating the tree yesterday, it was a nice weekend overall. Dana went out with the other Mom's on Friday night and on Saturday night we went out with Kristy and Brent for drinks and conversation, it was such a good time that we stayed for almost 2 hours longer than we planned....and no I didn't freak out because we were not on schedule! See - I'm flexible.
I did pay the price a little on Sunday though because I was participating in a swim meet. It was a pentathlon- 50 metre Butterfly, Backstroke, Breaststroke and Freestyle - then a 100 m I.M. and then 2 relays - which I didn't want to do (the relays) but was talked into it by my teammates. I did well overall, still waiting to see the final results, but had a personal best in 2 of the 5 events I was in, so I am happy overall. Today I feel very sore though and I went to sleep at 8:30 last night - something I never do. - J


Blogger Andrew said...

Are you quoting from "A Mighty Wind" in the title of this post? I can't stop laughing and now I'm going to have to see that movie again.

- Andrew

7:21 PM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...

Yes I am! I say it all the time, sometimes at work I will shout it out and someone will be walking past my office and give me a strange look.

Great movie. He has another in the works - did you also see best in show?

8:18 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Yes I have. Also, Waiting for Guffman. They are both the beat.

10:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jason;Received your card this a.m.and have spent the last hour touring your family "blog"when I should be baking cookies for the Bassman family pig-out Dec 24-27.I thought my life was busy but you guys have me beat several times over.Your children look beautiful and you guys sure are wonderful parents.Ran into your Dad a few months back at Zehr's,was looking good.Mr B still busy with work and hockey (groan,bad times at the old barn these days),Sarah taking a masters at Wayne State (can u believe it??)and wedding plans for the spring.Heading to Vancouver for the World Jrs after Xmas spent in Guelph.Staying downtown near some good shopping so there ARE perks to accompanying your mate to boring stuff.Nice photo of sarah can be seen at§ion=photos&job=Sports%2F2005+Sports%2FCanada%2FToronto+Marathon&lang=eng.She is in the middle in blue.The boulevard is still changing and now crawling with brats.Mr Prince died and the Johnston's are in a retirement home.Nate Inno got married, Matt joined the army and Jon is in University and Mr Innocente is retired.Mrs Little is STILL in her house and cutting flowers from people's gardens.The Malicki's cut down their BIG tree and replaced it with a smaller more elegant version so now us and the Inno's are the only big trees left on the block...sorta like "big dogs".Say hi to Ann,John and Mary and your Dad and best regards to Dana as well.Merry Christmas to all and to all a good blog!
Mrs Bassman

11:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jason on the swim victories. No wonder your shoulders looked bigger. We also got your card yesterday ( Mon) Thanks! Thanks Dana for the magazine and goodies ( that makes up for what I missed at your house on Sunday).


4:03 PM  

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