Saturday, December 31, 2005

"Bag! Bag!"

Whenever Henry wants desert, instead of asking for "treats", "candy" or "cookie" he shouts "BAG, BAG", this all started at Halloween when we kept the kids Halloween treats inside their bags and would let them get a treat or two after dinner. So now it's a common word here at our house, tonight for dessert we asked Henry do you want some bag?, and Henry will say "Yes." Weird eh?

We decided to take the kids out for dinner since we weren't going anywhere tonight, and I had a gift certificate from one of the kids I coached soccer for, so we went out to Kelsey's. It turns out it was reservations only, but they had a table open so we were lucky. The place was packed, dinner options were limited to a special menu. The kids were thrilled because they counted down to yell Happy New Year! It turned out to be a really nice night out.

Happy New Year's Eve Everyone!


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