Wednesday, January 04, 2006

So Long Mbrk

Another Tamagotchi has met their demise. I am not sure what the reason was this time, it might have been malnutrition, as Hannah was trying not to feed it too much. Hannah has moved on and a new egg has hatched named Hanna, and all is right with the world.

Dana started back at work tonight and I start back tomorrow, which will be a nice short week. This weekend Dana has the first of three weddings this month so it will actually be quite busy. All three kids start swimming lessons on Saturday morning and Dana's wedding is early so I will have to figure out some way to get them all out of the pool without forgetting one - and I am in the water with Henry -it's a parent & tot lesson - should be interesting.

Hannah and Jack are in a week-long skating lesson this week and are enjoying it - Hannah has almost figured out skating backwards and Jack is getting both feet to glide so he is getting close. We will just have to get them out more this winter skating and they will pick up a lot on their own just playing around with their friends. All three kids finally crashed tonight, all asleep by 7:45....


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