Monday, January 09, 2006

What u talkin bout Willis...?

Hannah and Jack watched two episodes of Different Strokes last night on DVD. Andrew & Alison gave the set to me for Christmas. When Jack was 2 he learned to say the famous tagline repeated in every episode "What u talkin bout Willis?" Hannah and Jack were really into it, I was really surprised as they watched the very first episode when the boys came to live with Mr. Drummond, I didn't realize why they moved in. Their mother was Mr. D's previous housekeeper and before she died she asked him to take care of her boys. (that's your free dif. strokes history lesson)

When we started to watch you could hear the laugh track or the actual studio audience clapping and laughing and Hannah asked "why are people clapping, where are they?". Jack was laughing throughout and Hannah liked Arnold's giggle. They both have never really watched a real t.v. show, they think anything that doesn't have cartoons in it is a grown-up show. Hannah asked Dana "Did this really happen? Is it real?" Dana joined in for the second episode and when I got home she said "it was a really good one!".

I went to swimming last night where I was moved up to a faster lane that enjoys no resting and no chit chat. 3000 metres later we were done, something I am not used to.

The kids are back to school this morning and hopefully all goes well. Henry has pink-eye, we think, so Dana is off to the doctor too. Both kids are happy to be going back to school, but not as happy as Dana who is ready for the routine to return. - J


Anonymous Anonymous said...

3000 meters??!!!
I used to do 2500 and feel like I was on steriods for hours.

Way to go, Nemo.


7:57 PM  

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