Friday, January 20, 2006

Election Fix

The federal election is only days away, and things are very busy here at CTV, luckily I work mainly with TSN so I am unaffected. CTV did take over the TSN studios for the past few days so hockey productions are currently on the road. I have had a hard time getting into the election this time around, but there is a great website created by a few University of Waterloo students a few years ago and it is called, they predict riding-by-riding who will win and why, and they usually hover around 90% arruracy. It's a great site for an election junkie.
Hannah and Jack know there is an election coming, they have been asking who Bob Callow is, the Conservative candidate....hmmm how do they know who he is, there are a lot of signs of his around Markham and only a scattering of liberal ones. They know that Paul Martin is the Prime Minister and they know that they will probably have to learn a new prime minister's name on's going to be a bumpy ride.


Blogger Andrew said...

There was a letter in The Coast, our weekly entertainment paper, from the provincial leader of the Green Party, urging people to vote NDP, and actually criticizing the Green Party's silence on the issues of Afghanistan and Iraq. Weird. I don't really get it.

- Andrew

8:22 AM  

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