Monday, January 16, 2006


It's nice to be home. Came back this morning, it was only a 50 minute flight, Dana and Henry were there to pick me up, it was good to see them. Then we picked up Hannah and Jack and went to lunch together. I am glad to be back, Dana is too! Thank you Eri and Mike for helping Dana out while I was away - her thumb healed nicely so that's good.

Ottawa was busy, I have never been there in the winter so that was different and yesterday it was Cold. The Rideau Canal just opened again this morning because it was so mild for the past two weeks. We were working out of the Civic Centre and there wasn't much time to see the sights or much of Ottawa, I did drive by the parliament buildings, I had forgotten how impressive they are. I think the last time I was in Ottawa was when Dana was pregnant with Hannah - way back when. The skating event went very well, it was broadcast in High Definition so that was a challenge as it was the first skating event in Canada to do so, and the audio was 5.1 which is all about surround sound and all things I don't concern myself with at these events, I have to worry about making sure all the graphics appear on screen and to make sure the judges marks come up when they are supposed to. They asked me to do the skating events next year already and they are in Victoria and Halifax which would be great, now I just have to figure out how to get Dana to come with me one of these times.

Back to work tomorrow, but glad to be home - J


Blogger Andrew said...

Wow, I can't believe that was a week already. That's insane. Welcome back.

That'd be great if you guys could both come to Halifax next year. Weird that the events are here and in Victoria -- basically as far apart as two places in Canada could possibly be.

- Andrew

6:51 AM  

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