Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Bring It On!

Was that just yesterday that I said I was looking forward to being a little busier?! Jason left today for a week in Ottawa and I fell this morning (tripped over Jack who fell on the way to school) and as the day progressed my thumb got more & more sore & swollen. I had it x-rayed and it's NOT broken...so what would they have done if it HAD been broken? As you can see from the photo, I have a plaster cast that needs to be worn (coincidentally) for a week and can't get wet. Henry's got pink eye & needs drops 4 (!) times a day that make him scream & squeeze his eyes closed if he sees them coming and he's also cutting some molars. Hannah had Sparks tonight (like Brownies but for younger girls) at 5:00 and Jason's cab came to pick him up to take him to the airport at 4:30 all while I was still at the hospital. I didn't even get to see Jason off since I had no idea I would be at the hospital for 3 hours!! Anyway, I'm managing fine so far, except I just realized I forgot to eat dinner and Jason only left 4 hours ago. Ask me next Monday how I'm feeling! - Dana


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that everything happened the first day maybe the rest of your week will be smooth sailing. I hope you don't have a wedding this weekend. Take care and hello to everyone. Mary

8:24 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Poor Dana! That picture is pretty hilarious though. You sweeties!


8:41 AM  
Blogger EJ said...

How's everything going so far. You survived the first night? Please let me know if Mike or I can do anything to help.

10:56 AM  

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