Friday, February 03, 2006


I really wish I had photos to go with today's blog, but I chose to enjoy the day with my eyes instead of my camera. It was a PA Day and I took the kids to a place called "Amazon Indoor Playground". We went with Eri & Bennett & none of us had ever been before. It was perfect for all our kids' ages (which is a hard range to find suitable activities for)! It included a stage with really great dress-up clothes and back-drops, a play gym with a giant monkey head that was suspended from the ceiling that you climbed right inside, a puppet theatre, all the cars you could want to ride in and a huge ball tent (where Henry spent most of his time). They also allowed outside food (which most of these types of places don't)...yeah, I go to lots of giant monkey head we were able to bring a lunch and stay for the afternoon! But the whole place was much smaller than a school gymnasium and had comfy couches for parents to sit on and was surprisingly clean. Needless to say, I was very impressed.
Once we got home, Jason suggested a night out to dinner and we invited Eri, Mike & Bennett and Nan & Grampa...we all met up at East Side Marios for a late dinner where they sat us in a semi-private room. It was great for us and for all other diners since we could make a lot of noise without disturbing anyone else. It was the perfect end to a perfect day! - Dana


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