Thursday, February 02, 2006

A&E Movie Flight 93

I watched the A&E movie called Flight 93, which is about the 4th highjacked plane on September 11th. I wasn't expecting it to be very good - and the reviews I read were not that good, but I actually found it interesting. Actually terrifying - based only on the phone conversations the passengers had with family members. I watched it and still cannot believe that happened, and how frightened those people must have been. It's worth seeing and it's playing on A&E all month.


Blogger Andrew said...

That's weird. We just watched a show about a pilot who was forced to crash-land a plane with 300 people on it because the hydraulics were gone and he had next to no control over it. Also pretty terrifying, even though it was just the guy sitting in a chair telling the story.

- Andrew

11:55 AM  

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