Friday, January 27, 2006

I am not Mr.Fixit

I was leaving for swimming last night and was parked on a little bit of ice, and couldn't get anywhere, I was just spinning all over the place - I used my Dad's idea of cat litter (non clumping) to put under the wheels to get some traction it worked a little but the spinning I was doing and the noise I was making called out to the neighbor's - and they came. We pushed and pulled - and then noticed that my rear wheel wasn't even turning in drive - and worked only in reverse - not good. I do not claim to know anything about cars, I don't want to know, I don't need to know - it's really not anything I can understand and it's better suited to the professionals. It's not that I don't care, it's that I would just mess it up if I really tried...

No swimming last night, and the car is off to Mr. Fixit's for repairs...hopefully it's not serious, but when I talked to Mr. Fixit this morning his reaction was "hmmmm, ohhhh" not reassuring. I don't think I have ever been to a mechanic that said "oh it's nothing just a loose whatever".

Oh well, tonight Dana and I are going to try and go out again - this time with a different babysitter at the helm - our old babysitter agreed to watch the kids, she's a little older and doesn't mind if we come home later than 11:00...I am surprised she is free - she started dating and we haven't seen her since, maybe they broke-up - yeah for us! - J

UPDATE: Yeah! It was just a leak of something that was clogging up something, I don't know - it wasn't working and now it is and the cost is minimal.


Blogger St. Louis Family said...

You forgot to mention this to me! I thought we were going to the poor house.
- Dana

2:27 PM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...

Don't worry, I'll still take you there. - J

6:31 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Is the guy's name really Mr. Fixit? Do you know that Al Tuck song? Very funny.

- Andrew

8:11 AM  

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