Monday, February 06, 2006

Canada's Top 100

Check out the Top 100 Things To Do In Canada Before You Die list, I have done a few of they are;

#4 Drive the Trans-Canada Highway across the Rockies from Calgary to Vancouver. The drive is approximately 1,000 kms and will take between 10 and 12 hours.
(I did this when I moved out to Vancouver for a short time - breathtaking, also a little scary driving in the mountains, especially when you pretended that you knew how to drive standard to get a ride to BC....I learned fast)

#6. Rent a bike and ride the Stanley Park seawall in Vancouver.
(okay I didn't rent a bike - I had no money, but I did walk around Stanley Park for hours when I should of been looking for a job - what a great park)

#24. Go to the top of the CN Tower in Toronto. If you're fit, take the stairs. The less sporty can take the tower's glass elevator.
(My Uncle Bill first took me there back in the early eighties, I haven't been since, but have promised the kids that we could go, now I just have to convince Dana to come...)

#46. Go down a gold mine in Timmins
(Went down the ol'mine with my Mom & Dad when they came for a visit when I lived in Timmins - 1 of the 2 things you can do in Timmins - the other is the Shania Twain Centre, which thankfully didn't exist yet...)

#51. Visit Parliament Hill, take the tour, then go for a walk around the little-visited back of the Centre Block.
(Dana and I went on a tour back in 1998 PK (pre-kids)

#63. Visit Point Pelee National Park in Ontario.
(We had a few Murphy family reunions there - great spot)

#69. Go to a hockey game in a small town.
(ummm. I lived in Timmins, that was Friday night - every friday night)

#71. Walk the two blocks from Vancouver's Downtown East Side to Gastown, and witness how two very different worlds can co-exist so close together.
(Not a place to get lost, which I did with an ex-girlfriend - the differences are extreme)

I still have a lot to do... What have you done? - J


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw this in the paper and couldn't believe how few things I had done!
Did #3 in reverse.
#24 - Eri an I went, Dana wouldn't come.
# 36, 44, 48, 57, 68 ( I don't remember if it was a playoff game), 70 ( I thnk), 71,73,81, always meant to do 86, 89,91 100
You can look them up if you really care.


6:37 PM  
Blogger EJ said...

Mom, I did look them up cause I wanted to see which one's you'd put down. I've done a few of the same: Canadians vs Leafs game - not a playoff though, driven some of the Cabot Trail with a stop-over in Baddeck. I've also been whale watching (in NS though). Mike and I were hoping to get to the Tattoo in Halifax this summer but we may go with friends of ours and the timing is no good for them. Shame on you Jason for never taking a tour of the Hiram Walker distillery. You call yourself a Windsorite?

4:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jason and Dana - you've done #75 Visit Tillsonburg, Ont. to see whether your "back still aches when you hear that word." We went camping there a few times.

Here's my list:

6. Rent a bike and ride the Stanley Park seawall in Vancouver.
(If Jason counted it and walked, then so can I!)
10. Take a ride on the Maid of the Mist in Niagara Falls, Ont.
21. Canoe Algonquin Provincial Park in Ontario and camp there overnight.
24. Go to the top of the CN Tower in Toronto.
41. Take a tour of a Canadian Armed Forces base. (When I was young I went with my uncle to transfer a tank to another base - I rode in the turret down mainstreet in my hometown of Essex!)
63. Visit Point Pelee National Park in Ontario.
69. Go to a hockey game in a small town. (Essex 73's anyone?)
71. Walk the two blocks from Vancouver's Downtown East Side to Gastown. (I did one better and got lost in Pigeon Park with Nancy. Scary!)
72. Visit Chinatown in any city in Canada with a Chinese-speaking friend. (I've been to Chinatown in Toronto with a friend - can I have partial credit?)
73. Visit Wasaga Beach, Ont., on a hot, long weekend in summer.
75. Visit Tillsonburg, Ont.
79. Take a microbrewery tour in Ontario. (Walkerville Lager in Windsor!)
82. Camp in the dunes section of Lake Huron's Pinery Provincial Park, Ont.
85. Hike the west coast trail on Vancouver Island.
91. Get a taste for the islands, mon, at the Caribana festival, held annually in summer in Toronto.
98. Tour the Hiram Walker Canadian Club distillery in Windsor, Ont.
(Really Jason?!)

Wow, that was fun!


8:18 PM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...

I guess I missed something at the Hiram Walker tour...I don't think I went on one, and my Uncle was the President of it at one time.

Add Visit Tillsonbury...yes, I just didn't understand "back still aches" I didn't add it...and add Chinatown... Now....what's next on your lists??

7:26 AM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...

I have always wanted to see the wild ponies on Sable Island, N.S...Jason?86. I also want to "take a week and do the Toronto International Film Festival. Try and see as many movies in a week as you can. This year, it is being held Sept. 7 to 16."
I have done...
21. Canoe Algonquin Provincial Park in Ontario and camp there overnight.
30. Take a cross-country trip on Via Rail. (not all the way across, does Halifax to Montreal count?)
44. Spend a day exploring Mont Royal Park in Montreal.
51. Visit Parliament Hill, take the tour, then go for a walk around the little-visited back of the Centre Block. (pk)
57. Visit a working maple syrup farm in Ontario when the sap is running. (on many a field-trip with the kids)
58. Take a boat tour of the 1,000 Islands around Gananoque, near Kingston, Ont. (with the girl guides on an expedition to Ontario when I lived in N.S.)
63. Visit Point Pelee National Park in Ontario.
73. Visit Wasaga Beach, Ont., on a hot, long weekend in summer.
75. Visit Tillsonburg, Ont., to see whether your "back still aches when you hear that word." (isn't it, "my heart still aches when I hear that word"?)
79. Take a microbrewery tour in Ontario.
82. Camp in the dunes section of Lake Huron's Pinery Provincial Park, -isn't this part of this summer's plan, Jason?
88. Go to a small town fair, (I'm pretty sure Markham Fair counts)
89. Check out the Nova Scotia International Tattoo in Halifax. No it's not body art -- it's a celebration of Canada's military heritage. From July 1 to 8. (I'm pretty sure we went with Papa, Eri)
100. Take a trek to Cavendish, P.E.I., have some delicious potatoes and visit the home of Anne of Green Gables.

10:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Tilsonburg quote is from a Stompin' Tom Connors song. The lyrics are "my back still aches..." he's referring to hoeing tobacco. If you care!


11:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's my list, sorry not as much detail:

10,24,36,48,51,58,63,68(regular season),69,73,98

lots to do still,


8:37 PM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...

I knew it was Stompin' Tom, but thought his heart was aching, not his back. Thanks Doug!

11:40 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

OK, should I be mad that only three of the things to do are in Nova Scotia, and they get all the way to #47 before they name the first one? Also, Sable Island: you can't just go there! I would love to go to Sable Island; it's one of my life goals. Unfortunately you have to have some legitimate research reason approved by the government to be out there, otherwise no can do. I don't know man, they act like we're all just floating around wondering what we should be spending our money on besides lottery tickets and beer.

- Cranky Old Man

8:04 PM  

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